Thursday, 5 September 2013

September Soul Searching

This first blog is especially for all the Mums and Dads out there.

Are some of you saying goodbye to Sons or Daughters going to University this September, for the first time or maybe for their second, third or final year?

Well I am too. My eldest son is going back for his third and final year. I wish that I had been warned about how heart-wrenchingly hard it is not to have him at home. Yes, I know we can Skype, we can send emails or chat on the phone, but it's just not the same. It's not just the fact that they are no longer at living at home full time, but you're no longer needed in quite the same way anymore. They are moving further away from you, emotionally as well as physically. But I guess that's what's supposed to happen if we, as parents, are doing our jobs properly... not that it is a job, let's face it, we're not getting paid for it for a start! But joking aside, it's been really hard for me adjusting to this new role, and I'm now already starting to worry about when my youngest son (16) decides to fly the nest. Unfortunately for me, this feeling of emptiness has also coincided with pre-menopausal symptoms as well, just to add insult to injury. Lucky me!

Does any of this sound familiar?

Well, here's the good news. There is help out there. I've been giving myself flower essences and homeopathic remedies to help me through this tough time. Grief remedies such as Ignatia certainly help you emotionally to overcome the feeling of loss or separation. So if anyone out there is reading this blog, and it all sounds far too familiar, complementary therapies really can help, and have helped me, reduce and help with this feeling of emptiness (and indeed menopausal symptoms for that matter!)

So please do get in touch! As a homeopath and complementary therapist I can certainly help you with these same feelings and symptoms I have been experiencing, either through a consultation, or a remedy through the post. It really has helped me!

Thanks for reading.